Looking for content... or substance?

I'll help you tellyour best story.
Jos Schuurmans, Cluetail Ltd.
Jos Schuurmans, Cluetail Ltd.
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Jos Schuurmans
Cluetail Ltd.
Jos Schuurmans
Cluetail Ltd.
What do potential customers think about, what do they feel, what do they experience when they come across your brand? Whether it’s their first impression or a return visit, their takeaway is always a narrative – something that happened, a story.
That’s how we humans are wired. It is part of our biology. We understand, remember and share things as stories. Not data. Not facts. Not even information. Stories.
You may well have a great technology, a world-class product, or a unique service model on your hands. But it is not simply the best proposition that wins in the marketplace. It is the one that is communicated best.
Customers are not primarily interested in facts about your company or product features. They’d rather be taken on a journey – a story in which they are heroes who overcome their challenges. Your opportunity is to tell that story and be the guide who helps them win the day.
Without such a story, your customers will remain uninvolved and confused. With it, they will understand and remember you, gravitate towards the benefits and values your represent, and buy from you – instead of your competitors.
So, have you thought about your story lately? Either way: no worries. Let’s think about it together.
Talk soon,
If you’re ambitious about mastering information discovery and curation, enhancing your market intelligence, optimizing content strategy and creation, or expanding into European markets, I can help you elevate your game.
Connect with me by email at jos.schuurmans@cluetail.com, on LinkedIn, on Mastodon, or schedule a call with me on Calendly.